Murray[Putzahr] - Logsdon genealogy pages
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
3451 There is a Wm. Logsdon living in Allegany Co., MD listed in the 1850 Census. Source (S1037)
3452 There is an Absolom Waddel born 1820 in Ohio married to Mary A. p431b in 1850 Cen. Brown Twsp. Knox Co., Ohio. May be son of Absolom p428b. JML Waddell, Absolom (I9344)
3453 There is another Elizabeth Logue who married Benjamin Durbin. They had dau. Nancy #2003 who married Issac Dial #2002 in 1818. Nancy was born in 1794. Logue, Elizabeth (I1831)
3454 There is only one listing in St.Luke's records for the year 1854. Listed in Knox Co. records. Source (S2486)
3455 There may be a daughter named Mary. Elizabeth may be Mary Elizabeth. JML Sapp, Sarah (I1386)
3456 There should be another child, Albert Logsdon. Norma (Coyle) Bacon Logsdon, John B. (I5920)
3457 Theresa may have married E.Hogle and later asked for widow's pension as widow of James W. Logsdon. Applied from Newark, OH. There are many city lot transactions in Kx.Co.Court records.Lots 50 & 74 in MtVernon, OH. JML Hayden, Theresa Ann (I221)
3458 They lived in Indianapolis, IN. Frank was a plumber. See G.E. Gardner History Source (S1001)
3459 They lived in KY. Source (S1287)
3460 They lived in Mattingly Settlement long enough for the first four children to have been baptised there at St.Mary's. [Claudius Edward, Callistus Francis, Frances Amelia, Carrie Bernadett, Michael Ligouri elsewhere.] Source (S1016)
3461 They were living in MO in 21 Apr 1897. JML Source (S3194)
3462 This Baptism recorded at St.Joseph's Somerset, Ohio. Priest not listed. Source (S3114)
3463 This baptism recorded at StJoseph Church Somerset, Ohio by the Dominican priest who baptised child. See St.Luke records. Source (S292)
3464 This birth date from family bible as copied by Paul Strouse #2116. JML Source (S3213)
3465 This boy is listed in the 1850 Census of Middlebury Tsp. Knox Co., Ohio. His mother would have been 52 years old in 1849. I think this may be an illegitimate son of David Nicholas. JML Logsdon, Israel (I2579)
3466 This date taken from family bible by Paul Strouse Waverly Ohio. Source (S2947)
3467 This date taken from one of two Court records, Knox Co. Probate 24 Apr 1854. Samuel F. Gilcrest, Judge. Will 18-406 Bond 100-1654 JML Source (S193)
3468 This girl may be adopted. The 1850 Census lists a Mary Ann Olmstead age 7. Also listed is an Alfred Dickerson age 8. A Benjamin F. Dial age 2 is listed. Since Nancy (Durbin) Dial is age 53 in 1850 this is probably also their ward. Dial, Mary (I2487)
3469 This is an adopted child. JML Logsdon, Mary Catherine (Holloway) (I10054)
3470 This is Archibald Logsdon #139's grandfather. Mr. Arnold's will was written in May 1832. JML Arnold, Archibald (I1352)
3471 This is Christian child of Christian b. 1811 d. 1885 in Coshocton. Co., OH Source (S1189)
3472 This is date of his will. Cumberland Allegany MD. JML Source (S515)
3473 This is first marriage listed by a priest of StLuke's Knox Co.OH. From Knox Co., OH marriage records. Source (S2448)
3474 This is my mother's first cousin whom we visted in 1948. [Martin P. Hammond's niece]. I find no record of any children. JML Neff, Mary (I1216)
3475 This is probably the wife of the W.R.Logsdon buried a couiple of graves to the right. Annie C. and Sue F. Logsdon are probably children of this couple. JML Source (S636)
3476 This is taken from a sheet worked-up by Richard L. Buchingham, 10409 Armory Av Kensington, MD 20895, 3Apr92. Also Census Howard Tsp. Knox Co. OH 1850 p.306. Buckingham, Joseph J. (I370)
3477 This is the daughter of Msgr. Herman's twin sister Alice Mattingly. She was a classmate of Phyllis Davidson with whom I do a lot of genealogy work. Ursula is not "into" genealogy very heavy, but does have a very good knowledge of Msgr's immediate family since she is part of it. JML Rauch, Ursula (I5114)
3478 This is the Joseph Logsdon that at age 19, enlisted in the Civil War on 11 Aug 1862. Discharged 7 July 1865 from Co.D 96 Reg. OVI. After war lived in; Marion Co. Ohio until 1870, Marshall Co.Iowa until 1876, Raymond,Kan, til 1896 Chester, OK until 1911. Discharged from Co."B" at Mobile,Alabama. Pen. Cert. #85042, Topeka Agency. He also has another claim number. JML Logsdon, Joseph (I422)
3479 This Joseph probably served in Skipton District (now Oldtown) Company under Capt. Charles Coulson Sept. 2, 1776. Heritage Press Vol.1 No.9, July 1972 Logsdon, Joseph (I926)
3480 This may be a grandchild. JML Grandchild, G.C. Logsdon (I10324)
3481 This may be daughter of Hezekeal Bricker and Mary ___ b. 1847, It fits better on marriage. Knox Co., OH Cen. p337B. JML Source (S1002)
3482 This may be Father Thomas Boulger priest of St.Luke's at this time. JML Source (S2923)
3483 This may be in error! She was listed as single by Bernard Brailer. I do not have a ref. for any marriage to Harvey W. Logsdon. JML Brailer, Mary Cecilia (I193)
3484 This may be the Louis Doyle listed in the baptismal record at StJoseph's Church Perry Co., Ohio, 07 Nov 1820. Priest not listed. Parents listed as George & Ann. Source (S200)
3485 This was first marriage listed in Knox County Ohio records. JML Source (S2558)
3486 Thomas Logsdon lived in Hampshire Co.VA.(now Grant Co.WVA.) about halfway between McCullough's crossing (near present-day Gormania WVA.) and the Stony R.,a tributory of the North Branch of the Potomac. In 1787 he obtained three patents totaling 500 acres on Stony R.(SIMS, 206).Footnote p49 G.Wash. Diary 25 Sep 1784 by Jackson & Twohig 1978. Sold 80 A. in Madison Co.,KY to Chas. Bellew on 1 Apr 1794, Witn. by a Thomas Logsdon. JML Logsdon, Thomas (I80)
3487 Tomb picture in file. JML Source (S948)
3488 Tombstone "ymd" do not compute to baptismal record. JML Source (S2209)
3489 Tombstone and many other sources. Source (S3584)
3490 Tombstone Bladensburg Cemetery, Bladensburg, OH Viewed in 1980's by JML. Source (S1160)
3491 Tombstone Calvary Cem. MtVernon, OH 20 May 1838 was in MtSavage, MD. see StIgnatius records. Source (S1634)
3492 Tombstone in Calvary Cem. Mt.Vernon, Ohio Source (S593)
3493 Tombstone Liberty Chapel Cemetery, Knox Co., OH. JML Source (S3141)
3494 Tombstone says "Fifer" in Civil War. Mt.Vernon newspaper 19 May 1887 "increase in pension". Same again in 1891. Listed as widower in 1880 Census. May have been from #221. Check Kx.Co. records. JML Logsdon, James W. (I131)
3495 Tombstone St.Luke's Knox Co., Ohio Source (S3063)
3496 Tombstone StLuke Cem. Danville, Ohio Source (S3218)
3497 Tombstone, Calvary Cem. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. KnoxCo.OH atlas 1881. Will, Knox Co. Probate Court. War 1812 SC2945. JML Source (S3431)
3498 Tombstone; 75y 11d. JML Source (S993)
3499 Tombstone; 55y 28d JML Source (S510)
3500 Twice married and divorced. No children. Mickley, Catherine "Katie" (I4801)

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