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3501 |
Twin | Logsdon, Michael (I5267)
3502 |
Twin brother Ambrose #698. JML | Logsdon, Francis (I874)
3503 |
Two children buried with their mother. Wm. Y. & Vilas J. | Source (S2240)
3504 |
Two children died in infancy. JML | Smith, Isadora Orilla (I5168)
3505 |
Two other children; Dewight and Robert Eugene. | Blubaugh, Anthony Raymond (I6050)
3506 |
Two other children; Nancy and ?Serilda?. JML | Logsdon, Thomas S. (I11973)
3507 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I12905)
3508 |
United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Eighth Census of the United States, 1860, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860 | Source (S3640)
3509 |
United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1920 | Source (S3643)
3510 |
United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1850 | Source (S3639)
3511 |
United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1880 | Source (S3641)
3512 |
United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1900 | Source (S3644)
3513 |
Vernon Parks d. 03 May 1960 bur. Veterans plot #2 Lewiston, MT. JML | Logsdon, Anna May (I552)
3514 |
Veronica Durbin and her brother Paul, direct relatives, are living in Knox Co. in 1995. Barbara (Durbin) Place is in Augulize Co., OH in 1999. JML | Source (S2198)
3515 |
Virginia has a Juris Doctor degree from University of Kansas. JML | Source (S2407)
3516 |
Vol.2 p93 25 Jan 1900. No name given. Wm. listed Vol.3 p91 25 Oct 1903. | Logsdon, William Hathaway (I530)
3517 |
Waas Constable of Jefferson Twp. Knox Co., OH in 1832. JML | Source (S1297)
3518 |
Was a guard at Ohio Pen. Columbus,OH. Reported in Mt. Vernon OH newspaper. | Source (S2966)
3519 |
Was an adopted child of Rev. William and Susan Asire Logsdon | Logsdon, Mary Adeline Assire (I807)
3520 |
Was baptised
conditionaly' at age 8. 27 Dec 1858 in St. Luke's Knox Co. OH Dec. 12, 1869 he went to Missouri and remained there three years engaged as a teacher. From there he went to Texas by the overland route, doing his own cooking along the trail. He remained there three months before returning home. See page 681 of Hill's History of Knox Co.OH 1881.[Watch for errors in Hill's] | Hammond, Martin Pearl (I146)
3521 |
Was baptized at home and recorded at church. | Source (S2310)
3522 |
Was bridesmaid for Martha Trullinger at StVincent's MtVernon, OH 21 June 1866. JML | Bricker, Penelope (I3453)
3523 |
Was engaged to marry John Hardin of Gambier, OH. 07 Oct 1881 Mt.Vernon News | Durbin, Mary Teresa (I893)
3524 |
Was engaged to marry John Hardin of Gambier,OH, from Mt.Vernon News 07Oct1881. Sister, Barbara (Buck) Durbin was helping her finish her wedding dress. JML | Buck, Martha (I1168)
3525 |
Was executor of brother Anthony's will c 3 Mar 1870. Also in Hill's history of Knox Co. 1881. | Source (S3108)
3526 |
Was in Belmont Co. in 1825. And married Catherine King who was born in that county according to Hills History of Knox County 1881. Daughter of John King. Left Belmont Co. in 1832. Some of Hill's concerning Mr.Durbin is in error. | Durbin, John Baptist (I148)
3527 |
Was in Independence Kansas in 1886 at time of his mother's death. Knox Co. Probate Court records. Raised short horned cattle in Kansas. May have been living in Grand Praire Twp., Marion Co., OH in summer of 1860. p280 Census. A Charles living with Andrew 33 & Mary Boetz 32 both b. in OH. Check 1860 census of Knox Co., OH. Charter member of Knights of Columbus, StLuke's Council No.910, Danville, OH. JML | Logsdon, Charles Clement (I33)
3528 |
Was in Versailles Twp. Brown Co,. IL on 7 Jun 1880 Census. | Source (S1019)
3529 |
Was in War of 1812, Capt. Conners 1st Maryland Militia, Col Steiner's Reg. August to October 1814. Defended Washington in September 1814. A newspaper [?] in 1858 stated that David Logsdon, Peter Magers & Valintine Dial had gone to a War of 1812 reunion. Tombstone 82y 3m 4d. | Logsdon, David (I95)
3530 |
Was involved in a tragic river ford accident in which several drowned in 1881 and was reported in the New York Times. Jelloway River Knox Co. Ohio. Hill's 1881 History of Knox Co. OH says he was born in Bedford Co. PA., yet it says that his brother Peter Durbin was born in Alleghany Co. MD 31 Jan 1835. | Durbin, Raphael (I465)
3531 |
Was killed by an automobile on way to St.Luke's church. JML | Source (S652)
3532 |
Was killed in a railway accident on the way home from the Civil War. B&O RR near Cumberland MD coming from New Creek, WVa. on leave of absence. "And was thrown from the cars which resulted in his death". Private Co.K 2nd Reg. PHB Infantry Maryland Vol. under Capt. P.R.Petrie | Logsdon, Joseph (I66)
3533 |
Was listed as Treasurer of The Railway Crossing Signal Co. in 1898 & 1899 Columbus, Ohio City Directory. Was living at 1282 Wesley Ave. with two sons [present day Indianola Ave]. JML | Source (S1888)
3534 |
Was listed with Jerimiah Mitten in census of 1850. A Joseph Logsdon and wife Lydia Thompson Logsdon in Cain Twsp. Fountain Co. IN as age 20 and a school teacher. | Source (S3330)
3535 |
Was mayor of Danville, OH in 1960's. JML | Logsdon, John Alfred (I15)
3536 |
Was recorded as 10 years old when baptized in 1838. | Lambie, Robert (I12826)
3537 |
Was red headed. JML | Source (S1263)
3538 |
Was shot down in North Sea and rescued by British fishermen. Postal Clerk Main Post Office Columbus, Ohio. JML | Source (S469)
3539 |
Was Sister Virgilia SCN as a nun. | Gardner, Caroline (I4524)
3540 |
Was this boy an adopted child? JML | Logsdon, Murrell Leonidas (I802)
3541 |
Was working on Railroad until Oct. 1910. JML | Source (S777)
3542 |
Watch for him or his father, or both in Ohio County [W]VA on 26 Jul 1829. | Source (S3144)
3543 |
We have not found the name of the first wife of William Logsdon, s/o John & Margaret (Wooley) Logsdon. Careful listing and review of those persons involved in court procedings, concerning his estate, may reveal lineage, 1790 til as late as 1841. Since his death was tragedy [drowning Will's Creek] there should be some early western Maryland newspaper accounts of it. He was in the Skipton District Co. Sep.2,1776 under Capt. Charles Coulson. Vol.1, No.9 July 1972 Heritage Press. Preservation Society Inc. JML | Logsdon, William (I86)
3544 |
Welch shows a Wm. Logsdon m. a Elizabeth Conley on 20 Mar 1814. George was not married until 1820. JML | Source (S1527)
3545 |
Well known in "Short Horn" Livestock Breeders Association. Retired from Dept. of Agriculture. Hybrid seed dealer. | Place, Ned Woodrow (I1166)
3546 |
Went by "Marie." | SLoat, Lillian Marie (I12670)
3547 |
Went by "Ray." Died from encephalitis. | Baer, Francis Raymond (I755)
3548 |
Went by "Ruby." | Baer, Rebecca Ester (I820)
3549 |
Went by Johnie | Logsdon, John (I12632)
3550 |
Went to Grayson Co., KY 1814, to ILL.1824, to MO 1832, to TX1838, to CA1848. | Logsdon, John (I7673)